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Part Time Employment



  • The Nursery Attendant is expected to provide quality care to children ages infant to five years during Sunday school, church services, and other special occasions.

  • The position is active for the entire year.

  • The Nursery Attendant should love children and should be aware of appropriate methods of child care.



  • The Nursery Attendant shall care for the children during the following times:

    • Sundays from 8:30 am until 12:00 pm (noon)

    • Special services and events outside of the normal Sunday hours as determined by the Minister and Christian Education Department.

  • Maintain the nursery area.

  • Assist in age appropriate instruction for the children as provided by the Christian Education Department in consultation with the Minister.


An online form may be submitted through the following link. If you need to complete the form in another format, please contact the church office.

Online Application (Fill out form online that upon submission gets sent electronically to the church)



The salary is for 3 1/2 hours per week with a beginning salary set at $13.00 per hour as established by the State of Illinois minimum wage.



Applications will be reviewed by the Senior Minister, Personnel Committee, and Christian Education Department and qualified candidates will be interviewed.  Selected applicants must submit to a background check at the expense of the Church.


All documentation: application and three references must be submitted to First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 120 N. McArthur St., Macomb IL  61455.

First Christian Church of Macomb

120 North McArthur St

Macomb, IL 61455

© 2023 First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ

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