How long have you been apart of FCC?
I have been a member for over 30 years.
What do you enjoy most about FCC?
What I enjoy most about FCC is the anthems we sang in the choir, along with seeing the people of faith in action.
What are you involved with at FCC?
I used to be apart of choir pre-COVID. I was also an Elder, as well as being a part of Stephen Ministry, and I occasionally pulpit-fill for Kelly when needed.
How did you first become involved at FCC?
I first became involved at FCC in the late 1980's, the choir director invited me to sing in the choir and I have been here ever since.
What is one thing you would want others to know about FCC?
What I want others to know about FCC is that the people of First Christian Church mean business! They want to help others and it shows all the time. Whether it be through the Emergency Cupboard, outreach, elders, spaghetti dinner, card showers, visits, and/or mission trips!
How would you describe FCC in one word?
Why do you love FCC?
All of the above! They don't tell me what to think, but encourage me to ask questions and determine things for myself. I also like the way Kelly tells stories.