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First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
120 N. McArthur Macomb, Illinois
(309) 837-6473

November 7, 2013

Thanksgiving Dinner


November 10, 2013

6:00 PM

Fellowship Hall


The Disciples Women will host the annual Thanksgiving Dinner on November 10 at 6:00 PM in Fellowship Hall.


Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, noodles, dressing, rolls, and drinks will be provided. Please bring your own table service and a vegetable, salad and/or dessert to share.


We have added a new event this year: Silent Auction. There will be five baskets in the Parlor on November 3 and 10 to bid on; we will take them to Fellowship Hall during the dinner. Each basket will go to the highest bidder. A basket will be made by each group of the Disciples Women. 20% of the money made on the baskets will go to the Salvation Army and 80% will help with the cabinetry to be purchased for the south kitchen wall.


Make a reservation on the Friendship Register for this dinner. Just put a number beside your name and we will know it is a reservation for the dinner.


You won’t want to miss it!




124. 133. Hut! Hut! 


Those of you who know football will understand the above reference. When a quarterback is ready to start a play, he will often use the word hut. It is a sign for the center to snap the ball to the quarterback and the play begins. Sometimes it is a single hut, but sometimes it is more. Like, hut-hut. It could even be three or four. The quarterback will vary the snap count to keep the defense guessing. 


So I say, hut to all of us. (I always wanted to be the QB!) 124 is the number of worshipers the day after our Fall Festival. 133 is the number the second Sunday—and is the largest worship service outside of Easter or Christmas since I had the good fortune of beginning ministry with you. In our post-capital campaign/festival haze, we have much to celebrate. That’s why we will have dinner and say thanks on Sunday night. 


To be fair, our increased attendance has little to do with people who came to the festival as visitors. We have seen a family or two. And that is awesome. But, other visitors are finding their way to us also. And we are seeing many repeat visitors. Former members are coming home. My friends, this is all you! As Jesus extended radical hospitality, you are doing so as well. People tell me all the time how friendly and kind the people of First Christian Church are. You who pledge time, talent, treasure and prayer—you who put on free, fall, family fun for the community—you who love your church and your God—you have accepted the call to be evangelists. And your energies are well spent. 


For the next two weeks, we will spend some time with the prophets. Prophets spoke (and still speak) the word of God to the people of God. This Sunday we will focus on Haggai, a minor prophet during a re-building phase of the temple. Speaking for God, Haggai tells the people …The latter splendor of this house shall be greater than the former… There is much that will feel familiar, comfortable even, to us as we explore this passage. One thought to chew on, though, God is the one who names what is splendid. By our faithfulness, we get to help oth-ers share in God’s splendor. 


Time for our re-building to continue. Time for the next play. Truly, though, God is the quarterback. May we listen well for the count. May we execute the play well that God’s splendor shines through. 


Peace, Kelly


Sermon Date

Sermon Title


November 10 , 2013


Haggai 1:15-2:9


Homemade Candy Sale


9:30 AM Sunday November 17 in the Parlor


It is time to buy your holiday candy!  Disciple Women will have a homemade candy sale in the parlor on Sunday, November 17 at 9:30 AM.


Bell Ringing




10:00 AM - 8:00 PM



There is a sign-up sheet on the parlor bulletin board for “ringing” the Salvation Army bell at Hy-Vee on November 29. You will be able to stand inside to be insulated against the cold weather. First Christian will also be serving the usual days - December 21, 23 and 24 - also at Hy-Vee. 


There is a sign-up sheet for the Decem-ber days also; sign up now, get the hours you want, and put the obligation on your calendar so you will make time during the holidays to help others! 


Thank you for caring and sharing! 

Members Who Have Served In Armed Forces



The Worship Department recently asked for names of members who have served in the Armed Forces so we could update the plaques we have. Following is a list of names we have received so far. If a loved one or someone you know is not on this list and they should be, please notifiy the office or someone on the Worship Committee of the name, branch of service and service dates. We would like to include everyone’s name. We need this by mid-November. It is a small way to show our apprecia-tion and honor our Veterans; we don’t want to leave anyone out. Thank you for your help. 

Names received (as of November 7): Conley Bainter, Rod Burg, Matt Canon, Art Chown, Mike Drake, Dean Hansen, Sam Shields, Joe Stipanowich, Don Sweeney, Ron Vaughn, George Ward, Scott Ward. 


Samaritan Well


Our church has supported Samaritan Well, Inc. for many years as one of our local outreach mission projects.   We offer the rent-free use of our property next to the church for the men's shelter.  The first two Sundays in November, we will again be doing the "Thankful for a Home" drive.  On November 3, the Director of Samaritan Well, Cynthia Stiffler, will speak briefly at the Sunday morning service, to give an update on the men and women/children's shelter.  A brochure insert that morning in the church bulletin will also explain the program. 


Collection baskets will be in the Parlor on November 3 and 10, as well as at the Disciples Women's Thanksgiving Dinner on the evening of November 10.  The Disciples Women will be donating the proceeds from the free-will offering taken that night to help support the Samaritan Well mission.  The following items are especially needed at this time:  


Paper Towel

Dishwasher detergent

Aluminum Foil

Toilet Paper 13-Gallon Trash Bags

Laundry Detergent

Dryer Sheets

All-purpose Cleaner

Snack, Quart & Gallon Ziploc Bags

Cotton Balls


Monetary Donations


Our continued support has helped many women and men in this region regain their footing and lead successful lives.  Thank you for your contributions!


Nita Burg & Jan Rockwell

Samaritan Well Board Members


From the Church Secretary


We need to clarify some details as you begin giving to the Captial Campaign.  


When the books are audited, I need to be concerned about a couple of things:  I need to be sure that all funds that are designated for a specific purpose are entered that way in the records and spent for the designated item.  So, when you are giving to the Capital Campaign, please make sure the envelope is marked appropriately.  Please don't say your giving is for the Building Fund.  I realize as we try to use up envelopes that have been purchased previously that some have space for Building Fund, some say Capital Campaign, some say Other.  If your envelope doesn't have a space for Capital Campaign, please write it in.  


The counters and I cannot assume that any amount above your regular giving is for the Capital Campaign, even though you may have "pledged" that amount weekly or montly.  


I am sorry for any inconvenience this causes us; however, we need to remain in IRS compliance!  


Thank you for helping me out in this endeavor.  It is an exciting time to be in ministry here!




Come Home 2013 Thanksgiving Offering


Special Days in the life of the church often allow us to focus our worship, celebrations and fellowship around moments that are central to our Faith.  


Disciples Mission Fund Special Day Offerings also provide an opportunity to highlight specific ministries as part of our faith celebrations.  There are four Disciples Mission Fund Special Day Offerings received each year during the Easter, Pentecost, Thanksgiving, and Christmas seasons.  Each offering supports a specific ministry providing critical resources.  


The Thanksgiving Offering provides direct support to Disciples colleges, universities and theological institutions.  Disciples have a long history of post-secondary and theological education.  This offering provides a direct connection to 14 colleges or universities, 3 seminaries and 4 seminary foundations/divinity houses.  Gifts from the Disciples Mission Fund Thanksgiving offering continue a Disciples tradition of developing leaders for our communities and the church.  


For generations thousands of students have attended the colleges and universities of the DOC, receiving both a quality educaiton and the opportunity to remain within our Disciple's heritage.  The Thanksgiving Offering helps continue this tradition.  


The Thanksgiving Offering benefits the colleges, universities, seminaries and divinity houses affiliated with the DOC.  Your support provides young people the opportunity to COME HOME to a Disciples institution.  The Thanksgiving Offering will be accepted at FCC on November 17 and 24.  


Festival of the Creche - December 6 & 7



The “Festival of the Creche” will be held in our sanctuary again this year. The event will take place Friday, December 6 and Saturday, December 7 with free refreshments and admission. Members of the congregation are asked to bring one or all of their nativity scenes to be displayed in our beautifully decorated sanctuary. Again this year we want to make a brochure listing names of those who bring in their nativity scene(s) along with other information about our church. Everyone who attends this event will receive a brochure to keep. 


The planning committee would like to coordinate names in the brochure with our nativities by numbers, but to do this we need your help. You may bring your nativity scene(s) to the church beginning Sunday, November 17 through Wednesday, December 4. Please place them in the Conference room (across from minister’s office). There will be a tablet on the table for you to sign your name and a col-umn to place the number of nativities you brought. Please sign them in. Place your name on the box/container AND on at least one of the figurines per set. 

Questions: contact Jean Vaughn: 

(837 4406) or email: 


Nominating Committee


The nominating committee has been appointed by the Board Chair. It consists of Patti Jones, Nita Burg, Jack McKinnon, Gail Randall, Nancy Reed and Marcia Higgins. The committee will be recruiting members to fill the slate of officers for the FCC Board. Please meet the challenge and accept a position when asked. It will be an exciting year as we continue our renovation projects. The slate of officers will be submitted to the Board and congregation for approval in December. 


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost


Sermon Title:




Haggai 1:15-2:9


Lectionary Readings:    

Psalm 145:1-5, 17-21 

Psalm 98 

Isaiah 1:10-18 

Psalm 32:1-7 

II Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12 

Luke 20:27-38 


SERVING THIS WEEK OF November 10, 2013

Worship Leader:

Connie Workman



Bob Chatterton (bread); Chris Zimmerman (cup)




Nita Burg, Rod Burg, Larry Ellis, Anne Ingersoll, Dean Hansen, Joan Hansen 



Nancy Reed, Halie Runner, Hanna Runner 



Karen Chatterton, Holly Runner, Jonelle Schauble 




Dave and Norma Kentner


Central East

Jean Moore


Balcony South

Dan Reed



John Carden


Sanctuary Superintendent(s):

Rod and Nita Burg


Soundboard Tech:

Chris Dace


Children's Moment:

Rev. Ingersoll


Children's Church:

Shannon Reed


Coffee Fellowship Time:

Marilyn Walker & Karen Chatteton 


Hospital Caller(s):

Jean Vaughn


Sunday Morning Office Staff:

Bev Drake


Finacial Escort

Dean Rockwell


Weekly Calendar

Sunday, November 10

Rod Burg opens/closes church 

Rod/Nita Burg drive(s) the van 

8:30 AM Prayer Group 

9:00 AM Sunday School 

10:00 AM Coffee Fellowship 

10:30 AM Worship 

6:00 PM Thanksgiving Dinner 


Monday, November 11

5:30 PM Comm Action & Outreach 

6:00 PM Stephen Ministers 

6:30 PM Christian Education 


Tuesday, November 12

5:30 PM Pastoral Support Comm 


Wednesday, November 13

6:30 PM Choir Rehearsal


Sunday, November 17

Bill Butcher opens/closes church 

Bill Butcher drive(s) the van 

8:30 AM Prayer Group 

9:00 AM Sunday School 

9:30 AM Homemade Candy Sale, Parlor 

10:00 AM Coffee Fellowship 

10:30 AM Worship 

2:00 PM Grand Prairie 

Elder: Jean Vaughn 

Deacons: Dean & Joan Hansen 

4:00 PM Everly House 

Elder: Jean Vaughn 

Deacons: Dean & Joan Hansen 


Birthdays and Anniversaries


9 Judy Graves 

11 Helen Yeast, Maddie Dace 

Stan & Carolee Sellers (a) 

13 Emily Ann Bennett 

14 Heather Craig-Bailey 

Lester & Lou Ann Herriman (a) 

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